You can find members of the Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association in every section of the state. Use this page to locate dealers near you. FABA is a membership organization and does not purchase books or provide evaluations.
If you have questions about books or want to sell your books, please contact FABA members near you. To obtain a paid appraisal, search our membership directory below for "appraisals" to see which members may assist you.

The Accidental Bookseller
Andrew Nottman
Boca Raton, FL
Email: theaccidentalbookseller@gmail.com
Web Site: www.theaccidentalbookseller.com
Specialties: Interesting and Uncommon Books in Unusually Nice Condition. Small, Select Stock with Focus Areas in Signed Books; Modern First Editions; Poetry; Economics; American History; and Scholarly books.

A. Parker’s Books, Inc. - ABAA

G. P. Hurst
1488 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 366-2898 | (888) 317-7300 - Toll Free
Website: www.aparkers.com
Email: books@aparkers.com
Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 Sunday 12:00 to 4:00
Rare book room open by Chance/Appointment.
A. Parker's Books has been located in downtown Sarasota, Florida for over thirty years. We have consistently offered one of the finest selections of rare and antiquarian books in the Southeast and provide Library Design and Collection Development among our services. Our knowledgeable staff and our high level of integrity are demonstrated and monitored by our professional memberships in the Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association (FABA), Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America (ABAA), and International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB).
Specialties: General Antiquarian; 19th & 20th Century Literature; Americana; Art & Architecture; Leather Sets & Bindings; Children’s Books; Limited Editions & Signed Books; Illustrated Books; Civil War; Photography; Maps & Prints.
A-Book-A-Brac Shop
Steven & Edie Eisenstein
2250 W. Bay Dr. #15, Miami Beach, FL 33141
(305) 868-5515
By Appointment only.
Available for Appraisals
General Stock, Antiquarian to Modern, Autographs, Photos, Search Service, 5,000 books
BUCKS ON THE BOOKSHELF SATURDAY 10 am-12pm est on WDBFradio.com and on WDBF.Fm 888-575-4394 is our call in number. We love valuation questions or any others. Let us help you.

African Diaspora Literature & Culture Museum and Bookstore
Skip Richardson & Gigi Best-Richardson
83 Washington Street St. Augustine, FL 32084
Store Hours:Tue - Sat:10:30 am-5:30 pm Closed Sunday & Monday
Email: bradlcmuseum@gmail.com
Website: www.Bradlcmuseum.com
The museum provides both youth and adults with educational artifacts and information on African Diaspora literary and cultural history. The museum features rare and antiquarian books written by writers of African descent, and the shop showcases used, rare, and new books, as well as high-quality African Diaspora and Gullah Geechee gift items.
Assoc, African American Museums; DUVCW, Founders & Patriots America, CDXIIC
(SDUSMP)-Pas VP, New England Women Society Order; First Families of NC, CDA
AAHGS, (NSSDP)-Past FL State Governor; Society of First African Families of English America-Historian

Back in Time Rare Books - ABAA

Mike Cotter, ISA
PO Box 601057, Jacksonville, FL 32260
(931) 216-6114
Website: www.backintimerarebooks.com
Email: mike@backintimerarebooks.com
USPAP Compliant Appraisals.
Back in Time Rare Books is the home of Mike Cotter and his traveling band of misfit books! Mike, formerly of Yeoman’s in the Fork Rare Books, has been in the rare books business in some form or fashion for nearly a decade and a half. The older he gets, the more his collection starts to resemble his bedroom at the age of 10. The stock at Back in Time is officially classified as “General Antiquarian”, but the truth of the matter is that the stock is a smattering of historical pieces that have found their way beyond the gates of Endor. You see, Mike has two great loves in his professional life – American History & Pop Culture of the late 20th Century. While Harry & the Henderson’s, Max Headroom and Jurassic Park may be the Goondocks that Mike always dreamed of, he would never shy away from a first edition copy of The Whale by Melville or a letter signed by Charles Carroll of Carrollton. Always remember, Indiana Jones might have been after the Golden Idol, but he didn’t pass up the chance to score other pieces worth the price of the ticket to Marrakesh!

Back in the Day Books
Boe Rushing
355 Main Street, Dunedin, Florida 34698
(727) 221-0025
Website: www.facebook.com/backinthedaybooks
Email: backinthedaybooks@yahoo.com
Store Hours: Sunday - Wednesday 10:00AM - 7:00PM and Thursday -
Saturday 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Specialties: General, Floridiana, Classics. 6,000 books
From the Classics to the Obscure.
Bing and Burnell, LLC

Margaret "Peggy" Bing
40 Cubby Lane
Lake Placid FL 33852
By Appointment
Email: peggy5791@aol.com
Specialties: Fine Books, Music, Collectibles, Private Cataloging.
Blind Horse Books - ABAA, IOBA
Richard and Dottie Oates
816 Hanover Road, Deland FL 32724
(305) 766-8270
Website: www.BlindHorseBooks.com
Email: richard@blindhorsebooks.com
Available by Appointment

Member: ABAA – American Booksellers Antiquarian Association
FABA – Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association
IOBA – International Online Booksellers Association
Ephemera Society of America
Blind-Horse-Books is committed to finding the best copies of the rare, the unusual, and modern literature for your pleasure. Specializing in Travel, Exploration, and Geography with an emphasis on mid-19th-century exploration in the Polar Regions and Africa. Additionally, you will find a nice selection of Florida and West Indies items. Blind-Horse-Books is operated by Richard and Dottie Oates retired educators since 2001. We live in DeLand, Florida. Books and reading have always been a pleasure beginning in our childhood and continuing until today. We have been selling on-line since 1999. We are not a Brick and Mortar store but may be available by appointment.
Book Bazaar
G. P. Hurst
1488 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 366-2898 | (888) 317-7300 - Toll Free
Website: www.aparkers.com
Email: books@aparkers.com
The Sarasota storefront houses two distinct shops; A. Parker's Books, Inc., which continues to specialize in antiquarian, rare and finely bound books and maintains a rare book room which is the highlight of many visits to the store, while Book Bazaar, Inc., fills the majority of the space with an array of used, out-of-print and scholarly books.

Bruce Barnett
PO Box 742523, Boynton Beach, FL 33474
(847) 913-5160
Email: blockbook@thebookblock.com | rarebooks@thebookblock.com
Website: www.thebookblock.com
Available for Appraisals. we are particularly knowledgeable about IRS rules and regulations.
Specialities: fine and rare books including illustrated books, fine bindings, calligraphy and typography, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Arts & Crafts, private press, finance including the capital markets, Western Americana, and The Dance of Death.
We also assist clients in developing book collections.

The Book Block - ABAA

The Book Chaser
Dotti & Joe Delfino
PO Box 358962,
Gainesville, FL 32635
Locations: Double large booth @ Antique City Mall Exit 374 @ I-75 Micanopy, FL
PLUS at Antique Emporium, The Big Red Barn, Exit 368 @ I-75 Micanopy, FL
EMAIL: thebookchaser@gmail.com
Specialties: Specialty Design Bindings, Florida & the South, Non Fiction: Natural Sciences, Historical, Children’s, Art & Modern First Editions.
Specialties: Professional Book Restoration and Repairs, Appraisals & Searches.
Bookwise - Booksmart
David, Ann & Jim Wulf; Corinne Fitzsimmons
399 N.E. Spanish River Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431
Email: david@booksmartusa.com
Website: www.booksmartusa.com
Specialties: Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Literature, Art, Americana, History, Travel, Philosophy, Religion & many others. 75,000 books, 20,000 paperbacks

Two Locations:
Rare Book Room by Appointment.
Lake Worth
4469 S Congress Avenue, #116
Lake Worth, FL
33461(561) 964-0023
Store Hours: Mon - Thurs: 10am - 6pm
Fri: 10am - 2pm; Sat: 10am - 2pm
Closed Sunday
Boca Raton
145 NW 20th StreetBoca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 394-6085
Store Hours: Mon-Fri:10am - 6pm;
Sat: 10am - 4pm
Booklovers' Best Book Deals
Dr. Robert Norman
(813) 860-4221
6205 South Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, FL 33611
Email: info@bookloversbestbookdeals.com
Website: www.BookLoversBestBookDeals.com
By Appointment Only
Specialties: Antiquary, Classics, History, Medical, Psychology; all Liberal Arts, religions & subjects
Brant’s Books
Barbara Barone
429 N. Lime Ave., Sarasota, FL 34237
(941) 365-3658
Email: brantsbooks@gmail.com
Web Site:www.brantsbooks.com
Store Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00-5:00, Saturday 11:00-5:00,
Sunday CLOSED.
Open past 5 by Appointment or Chance.
Please call ahead for information.
Specialties: Hard-to-Find, Out-of-Print, Recent Bestsellers, Signed First Editions, Military, Classics, Metaphysical, Florida, Ephemera. 150,000+ books

William Chrisant & Sons' Old Florida Book Shop.

William Chrisant
3426 Griffin Rd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
(954) 319-1441
Email: Info@oldfloridabookshop.com
Web Site: www.oldfloridabookshop.com
We buy good books and Libraries
Store Hours: Usually 11-6 Mon-Sat; 1-6 Sunday, otherwise by chance or appointment.
Specialties: Fine Library Furnishings, Fine Bindings & Sets, Antiquarian Books, Antique Maps, Classic Literature, Fashion & Vintage Haute Couture Magazines, Ephemera. 60,000 books, 22,000 other items.
Copperfish Books

Cathy Graham & Serena Wyckoff
212 W Virginia Ave, Ste 112,
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(941) 205-2560
Email: info@copperfishbooks.com
Website: www.copperfishbooks.com
Store Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00-5:00
Saturday 10:00-4:00.
Specialties: Floridiana, Americana, Children’s, History, Literature, Decorative Bindings, and Ephemera. Our open shop carries a variety of new and used books, gifts, and hosts book clubs and author events.
Dusty Jackets
Cindy & Jim Mannella
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
(561) 254-5490 | (561) 444-5216
Website: via Abe Books
By Appointment only.
Specialties: Cooking, Children’s, Biography, Art, Religion, Travel, Interior Decorating, Gardening, Automobiles, Sewing & Needlepoint from 1910-1940, Sheet Music from 1890-1940, Architecture, Non-fiction, a little Fiction, Lots of Nice Sets, Post Cards (Victorian) and Lots of Ephemera. 1,800 + books.

The Family Book Shop, ABA
Kerry & Karen Johnson
1301 N Woodland Blvd.,
DeLand, Florida 32720
(386) 736-6501
Email: familybookseller@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.familybookshopdeland.com/
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday 9:30AM-5:30PM
The Family Book Shop has been a staple of DeLand's community for over 35 years. The deceptively large building holds over 350,000 books spread over 6,000 square feet.
The store has evolved and grown over the years and through different owners, but is proud to continue as a independent bookstore serving the reading community of Florida!

Foster Books

Sharon Kissell
13883 S.W. 44th St.,
Davie, FL 33330
(305) 632-2179
Website Link Here
Specialties: Signed Books, Children's, Illustrated, Juvenile Series, Biography, Music, Entertainment, Cookbooks, Modern Firsts, Pop Culture and General Stock.
We Buy Good Books and Libraries
Bernard E. Goodman, Bookseller
Bernard E. Goodman, Bookseller
1879 Nightingale Lane, Suite C2
Tavares, FL 32778
(352) 409-2098
Specialties: Signed First Editions, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Original Art, Ephemera
Heartwood Books and Art ABAA/ILAB
Richard Meli, MD
3536 N. Federal Hwy, Ste 201
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 565-8020
Email: info@heartwoodbooks.com
Website: www.heartwoodbooks.com
Internet, Mail Order and By Appointment.
Specialties: Mystery & Detective Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror & Supernatural Fiction, Popular Fiction, Pulp Magazines, Original Illustration Art and Illustrated Books over 25,000 items listed.

Inklings Book Shoppe

Dr. Finley W. Walker
243 North Florida Avenue
Lakeland, FL 33801
(863) 665-3004
Email: fin@inklingsbookshoppe.com
Website: www.inklingsBookShoppe.com
Store Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 - 6:00; Sunday 12:00 - 4:00; Closed Monday
Specialties: General Stock, Modern First Editions, Vintage and Out-of-Print titles
Formerly known as Book Bazaar and doing business since 1975, we are the local new, used, and antique bookstore of the Lakeland community. At Inklings, we believe in community, creativity, and providing a safe space for all to wander. With over 50,000 books in stock, there is truly something for everyone.
Gebhard & Burkhart Books
Kathleen Burkhart
1871 S.W. 13th St.,
Miami, FL 33145
By Appointment Only
Specialties: Modern First Editions, Children's Pop-up, Florida, Art, History, Philosophy, Natural History,
General Stock.
1000 books.
Jonathan Tomhave, Bookseller
JN Bookseller

Joseph Niforos
113 Mayfair Cir W
Palm Bay Harbor, FL 34683
(914) 564-6527
Website: http://www.jnbookseller.com
By Appointment Only
Always looking to purchase fine, rare, antiquarian books and old libraries, as well as, all manner of vintage ephemera.
Member of the Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA), Florida Bibliophile Society, and Society of Florida Archivists.
Kitchen Garden Books
Lynn Nelson
24357 U.S. Hwy. 331 S.,
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
(850) 622-1077
Email: kitchengardenbooks@yahoo.com
10am-2:00pm Tuesday-Saturday or by Appointment.
Specialties: Antiquarian Cookery Books, Southern Cooking & Gardening, Currier & Ives Lithographs & Literature 6000 Out of Print Rare Collectible hardcover volumes.
Certified Culinary Professional CCP Emeritus
Emerald Coast Antique Dealers Association.

The Last Folio
David James Bass
Orlando, FL
(407) 256-0131
Americana, Floridiana, Modern Firsts, Travel, History, Art
Liberty Book Store, ABAA/ILAB/IOBA

Thorne Donnelley DBA
4237 East Main Street
Jupiter, FL 33458
(561) 906-5399
By Appointment Only.
Email: thorne@libertybookstore.com
Website: www.libertybookstore.com
Liberty Book Store, in West Palm Beach, Florida, is an online (and by appointment) an antiquarian bookstore that buys and sells rare and interesting books. Association Copies, Florida History & Authors, Books with a story, 17th, 18th & early 19th century English language books.
The Muse Book Shop
Janet Bollum
112 S. Woodland Blvd.,
DeLand, FL 32720
(386) 734-0278
Email: janet@themusebookshop.com
Website: www.themusebookshop.com
Store Hours: Monday-Wednesday 10:00-5:00, Thursday-Saturday 10:00-6:00
Specialties: Americana, Floridiana, Hispanic, Children’s, Illustrated, General Stock. 50,000 books.

Lighthouse Books, ABAA/ILAB
Michael Slicker
14046 5th Street
Dade City, FL 33525
(727) 822-3278
Available for Appraisals.
Email: LighthouseBooksABAA@gmail.com
Website: www.OldFloridaBookStore.com
Store Houres:Tuesday through Saturday, 11 am - 6 pm
Specialties: General Antiquarian, with a broad assortment of 95,000 books; Americana; Florida & Caribbean History; Military History; Rare & Unusual; Maps & Prints; Ephemera & Postcards;

The Miami Memorabilia Company
Seth H. Bramson
330 N.E. 96th St.,
Miami, FL 33138
(305) 757-1016
By Appointment or at Shows.
Specialties: U.S. Transportation Memorabilia, Floridiana, US Travel & Destination Material, US Postcards & Ephemera. 1,000 books,
5,000 paperback, 1 million other items.
The Miami Memorabilia Company is the largest collection of Florida East Coast Railway and Florida transportation memorabilia in the world and the largest private collection of Miami memorabilia and Floridiana in private hands (private as opposed to the museums) in the country.

New World Maps, Inc.
Karen & Charlie Neuschafer,; Cynthia Newman
PO Box 541389,
Lake Worth, FL 33454
(561) 642-9705
Email: sales@newworldmaps.com
Web Site: www.newworldmaps.com
By Appointment & Mail Order; Map & Book Fairs;
Specialties: Original Antique & Collectible Maps & Atlases, including Gas Station and Oil Company Road Maps, Official State Highway Maps, Vintage Topographic Maps, Civil War Maps, National Geographic Maps, Pocket Maps, and Railroad, Steamship, Airline, Subway, Bus, and Streetcar Maps. Plus, a wide range of Paper Ephemera, Postcards, Travel Brochures, Books, Pamphlets, and More.

Old Bag Lady Books
Madlyn Blom
PO Box 5407,
Sun City Center, FL 33571-5407
(239) 222-7949
Email: OldBagLadyBooks@gmail.com
8:00am-8:00pm EST.
Internet, Mail Order & by Appointment.
Specialties: African-Americana, Special Bindings, American History, Travel, Ephemera, Post Cards.
4000 books + Ephemera.
Robert A. Hittel, Bookseller
Robert A. Hittel
PO Box 11745,
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33339
(954) 563-1752
Website: www.hittelappraisals.com
Accredited Senior Appraiser American Society of Appraisers,
Certified Appraiser of the International Society of Appraisers.
Specialties: Art, First Editions, Fine Bindings. 5,000 books.
About Robert A. Hittel, ASA, ISA CAPP
I never know what I might see, but I usually see amazing things every day. I’ve worked in houses, apartments, warehouses, offices, banks, vaults, and government facilities. My work has taken me onto yachts, inside wine cellars and out in the sun. I work with attorneys, investors, bankers, auctioneers, flea market and antique dealers, collectors, artists, restorers, government workers and other appraisers.

Shelf Indulgence Used Book Cafe
Nichole Snyder
2805 N. Tamiami Trail,
Sarasota, Florida 34234
(941) 260-5326
Web Site: www.shelfindulgenceusedbooks.com
Store Hours
Mon-Fri 9am-7pm;
Sunday 10am-5pm
We are Sarasota's only Used Bookstore and Coffee Shop!
Proudly brewing Latitude 23.5 coffee and teas and serving up fresh pastries and lunch items daily. Offering collectible science fiction and fantasy, signed books, first editions and general stock.

Sleuth Books
Steve Bolter
8 Flagler Dr.,
Palm Coast, FL 32137
(813) 917-4485
By Appointment only.
Located at Webb’s Antique Mall (I-75 south of Lake City, FL.) and
Avonlea Antique Mall in Jacksonville.
Specialties: Juvenile Series, Children’s Illustrated, Mystery, Modern First Editions, Sports, Florida History.
15,000 books .
Solaria Bookstore
Dillon Baldwin
Lakeland, FL 33803
(352) 409-2572
EMAIL: dillonjbaldwin@gmail.com
Vintage Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Tippecanoe Antiques Trader
Susan Mick
819 E Park Ave #5
Tallahassee FL 32301
By appointment only. Exhibiting at various antique shows.
Specialties: Florida History, and Unusual Topics & Titles, Natural History, Early Printed Material including prints, maps , documents, botanical and aviary plates.
Available for Estate Collection Assessments and Appraisals.
Tomberg Rare Books, ABAA/ILAB
Andrea Tomberg
11506 Claymont Circle
Windermere, Florida 34786
(203) 223-5412
EMAIL: info@tombergrarebooks.com
WEB SITE: www.tombergrarebooks.com
We specialize in the preservation of 20th and 21st century cultural movements, focusing on traditionally marginalized communities.

The Unbound Bookery
Sandra Silverman
1026 S Florida Ave,
Lakeland FL 33803
(863) 670-0110
WEBSITE: https://www.theunboundbookery.com/
Antique, Collectible and Vintage Books
We are a quaint and cozy bungalow housing a bookshop like no other offering a unique selection of antique, vintage, used and new books as well as services related to locating hard-to-find book. We are proudly independent and woman owned. Visit us locally and online.
Matt and Rebecca Whalon
Lakeland FL 33803
(813) 484-0324
Children's Series, First Editions, Space / NASA, Military and Naval History

Wild Hills Books

Sean Donnelly
Largo, Florida
Email: sdonnelly_bookseller@yahoo.com
By Appointment Only
Selling online since 1997.
Check Us Out:
Specialties: American and British literature, with a particular interest in science fiction, horror, and mysteries, 1880-1960. Private press books. Vintage paperbacks. Ephemera and manuscript material.
Associate Membership
InkQ Rare Books IOBA

Yoonjeong Lee
3205 Deep Springs Drive
Plano TX 75025 Suite 160
(214) 809-3362
Manager: Blake Thompson
Email: inkqnabula@gmail.com
Specialities: Literature, General Stock, Firsts, Illustrated, Fine Bindings, and Ephemera
Vivian Moore Bookseller
Vivian & Tom Moore
PO Box 55, Cumming, GA 30028
(678) 677-6514
Email: pibookie@aol.com
Specialties: General Stock with an Emphasis on Florida,
Americana, Children's, Civil War, & Ephemera.
2,000 Books by Internet & Mail Order